“His Forgiving Eyes”
Have you ever crossed a line you know you shouldn’t have crossed & then totally blown it when it comes to knowing but not doing the right thing? If you answered “no” to that question, please see me right after the service today or email me after watching this. We need to talk :-) …
Seriously, of course you have. And more than once. As have I. As has everyone. Once we’ve done something that needs to be forgiven, the only way to be forgiven in a way that leaves us right with God is for the only one who can forgive us that way to forgive us that way.
May today’s message have its way in & through your life & mine.
What we learn from the woman caught in adultery is that …
1. she wasn’t the one on trial, Jesus was.
They brought her to Jesus in hopes of tripping Him up. She was nothing more than
an insignificant, inconsequential, disposable & meaningless means to their end.
2. Jesus did not come to condemn anyone but to forgive everyone.
Forgiving sin is no problem for the One who came to do that very thing.
John 8:6b-11 (John 3:17 & Matthew 1:21)
Making It Real
1] How does knowing this make the story all the more meaningful?
2] How does knowing this impact the way you see yourself & others?
Action Step
Search YouTube to find Michael Card’s “Forgiving Eyes.” Turn up the volume,
close your eyes & enter into the beauty & reality of God’s love for us.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page April 3, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com